Reviewing your Essay
Below are the initial guidelines being used to determine if a paper is suitable for publication. Papers chosen for publication are expected to make a novel contribution to existing literature.
Sample Submission Email
Name, major, graduation year, course the paper was written for and the attached word document must all be included.
Submissions Policy
a. Submissions to the journal shall be open to all undergraduate students wishing to write an academic article relating to political and/or international affairs
b. Submissions will be between 6 and 15 pages in length
c. Submissions to the journal can be made in the following ways:
i. Individual student submission by the established deadline
ii. Nomination of an article by a Teaching Assistant
iii. Nomination of an article by a Professor
d. Types of submissions that will be accepted are:
i. An original piece of research on political and/or international affairs.
ii. A term paper or major work
iii. Sections of an undergraduate thesis
e. All submissions will be reviewed by the Panel of Referees and evaluated based off of the following model:
i. Revise with specific recommendation
ii. Revise with recommendations
iii. Review and resubmit
v. Not fit for publication
f. Submissions will be received in digital format by the submission deadline
g. All submissions sent to the Panel of Referees shall not feature the name of the author and submissions shall remain confidential until publication
h. Any submissions not published shall remain confidential
i. After the submission has been evaluated by the Panel of Referees, the author shall receive the evaluated copy with comments from the journal team
j. Evaluated submissions returned to the author will have 14 days from the day received to resubmit their article to the Student Liaison
m. All authors shall be notified of the decision of the Editorial Board no later than 72 hours after the Editorial Board meeting has adjourned
n. Each submission shall be discussed and debated openly at the Editorial Board ahead of voting on each submission as to whether or not it should be commissioned for publication